What causes a teen to attempt suicide?
The teen years are a stressful time. They are filled with major changes. These include physiological, biological, and chemical changes. Changes in thoughts, and changes in feelings. Intense feelings of stress, confusion, fear, and doubt may influence a teen’s problem-solving and decision-making at a time when he or she may not have the life-skills to regulate these big feelings. He or she may also feel a pressure to succeed due to outside influences as all we want to do as children and young adults is to please the adults around us such as teachers’ parent, coaches, or any other influencing guardians in their lives.
For some teens, normal developmental changes can be very unsettling when combined with other events, such as:
Changes in their families, such as divorce or moving to a new town.
Changes in friendships
Problems in school
Other losses
These problems may seem too hard or embarrassing to overcome. For some, suicide may seem like a solution. Which teens are at risk for suicide? A teen’s risk for suicide varies with age, gender, and cultural and social influences. Risk factors may change over time. Some of these are:
One or more mental health conditions, including substance use disorder.
Impulsive behaviours
Undesirable life events or recent losses, such as the death of a parent
Family history of mental or substance use disorder.
Family history of suicide
Family violence, including physical, sexual, or verbal or emotional abuse.
Past suicide attempt
Gun in the home
Exposure to the suicidal behaviour of others, such as from family or peers, in the news, or in fiction stories
What are the warning signs of teen suicide?
Many of the warning signs of suicide are also symptoms of trauma or depression. Some of these are:
Changes in eating and sleeping habits.
Loss of interest in usual activities
Withdrawal from friends and family members
Acting-out behaviours and running away
Alcohol and drug use
Neglecting one’s personal appearance.
Unnecessary risk-taking
Obsession with death and dying.
More physical complaints often linked to emotional distress, such as stomach-aches, headaches, and extreme tiredness (fatigue)
Loss of interest in school or schoolwork
Feeling bored
Problems focusing
Feeling he or she wants to die.
Lack of response to praise
Another warning sign is making plans or efforts toward committing suicide:
Says “I want to kill myself,” or “I’m going to commit suicide.”
Gives verbal hints, such as “I won’t be a problem much longer,” or “If anything happens to me,
I want you to know ....”
Gives away favourite possessions or throws away important belongings.
Becomes suddenly cheerful after a period of depression.
May express ‘weird’/unusual thoughts.
Writes 1 or more suicide notes.
These signs may look like other health problems. Make sure your teen sees his or her healthcare provider for a diagnosis.
Other factors which may cause suicidal ideation
Abuse and neglect:
The traumatic impact of abuse and neglect increases the likelihood of children developing a range of mental health issues – both during childhood and in later life. These include anxiety, depression, eating disorders and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (Norman et al, 2012; Spatz Widom, 1999). Specific types of abuse may be connected to certain mental health issues. Children who have experienced emotional abuse may be more likely to develop anxiety and depression compared with children who have experienced other types of abuse (Cecil et al, 2017; Gavin 2011). One study found that almost three quarters (74%) of young people who had experienced sexual assault developed PTSD (Lewis et al, 2019). Abuse and neglect can also make children more vulnerable to developing more than one mental health condition at one time (known as composite mental health issues) (Chandan et al, 2019). Providing effective mental health support for children who have experienced abuse and neglect can help them recover from its effects (NSPCC, 2019b).
Deaf and disabled children and young people:
Deaf and disabled children and young people with complex or additional needs may face a range of challenges including:
reduced mobility
prejudice, discrimination and bullying.
These challenges may lead to lower self-confidence, difficulty forming peer networks and social exclusion, putting them at higher risk of developing mental health issues (Falcounbrige, Hunt and Laffan, 2019). Adults may confuse the signs of learning disabilities with the symptoms of mental health issues. This can mean concerns aren’t recognised and responded to quickly or appropriately.
Children from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities:
Children & Young People from black and minority ethnic groups may experience:
racism, discrimination and prejudice – this can be direct, indirect or institutional
an increased stigma around mental health issues in the community
This can lead to inequalities and issues in accessing appropriate care and support for mental health needs (Bignall et al, 2020).
LGBTQ+ children and young people:
LGBTQ+ children and young people may experience:
prejudice, discrimination and bullying.
a fear of or an actual rejection from family and/or friends.
feeling excluded or like an outsider.
They may also experience gender dysphoria: the unease felt when someone’s sex registered at birth does not match their identity. These factors and experiences mean they are more likely than their heterosexual and cisgender peers to experience a range of mental health problems (Chakraborty et al, 2011; Becerra-Culqui, et al 2018).
Living in care:
Children in care are more likely than their peers to have a mental health difficulty (NSPCC, 2019c). This can be due to isolation and loneliness. Children in care may also have experienced abuse or neglect, which increases the likelihood of developing mental health issues (National Youth Advocacy Service, 2019).
Young carers:
Young carers are more likely to experience mental health problems than peers who don’t have caring responsibilities (Sharpe, 2021).
Young carers may feel worry or stress about the health and wellbeing of the person/s they care for
feel that they must manage or hide their emotions due to fear or guilt of upsetting the person/s they care for
feel that they don’t have time for themselves and are missing out on opportunities or activities.
Excessive or inappropriate caring roles and a lack of support from services can be risk factors in a young carer experiencing poor mental health. (Carers Trust, 2023; 2016; 2023; Sharpe, 2021).
Life events:
Stressful or traumatic situations and experiences, such as bereavement or sudden changes in environment, can trigger mental health issues.
Social isolation and loneliness:
Anyone can experience loneliness, but risk factors include:
having a long-term health condition or disability
having caring responsibilities
living in care
being from an ethnic minority community
being LGBTQ+
Recognising issues:
Professionals need to be able to recognise the signs that a child may be struggling. However, it’s important to remember that some mental health issues may not have visible signs. There are also factors that might make it more difficult for a child or young person to ask for help.
Some children and young people may try to hide how they are feeling or what they are doing (Theodosiou L. et al, 2020). This might be because they:
worry they won’t be taken seriously.
believe others won’t understand.
have had a negative experience talking about their thoughts and feelings in the past.
feel that no one can help them.
fear being dismissed or labelled an attention seeker or ‘crazy’.
Children and young people may not always have the language or ability to communicate how they feel. They may be unsure who to talk to and how to talk about their problems. Some signs of mental health issues may also look like normal child behaviour. For example, tantrums in younger children or teenagers keeping feelings to themselves.
Children who have experienced abuse or neglect:
Children who have experienced abuse may be reluctant to talk about how they are feeling, particularly if they haven’t yet told anyone about the abuse. They may feel that something is wrong with them or that things may get worse if they talk about it. Identifying and responding to mental health concerns may be one way of helping children who are experiencing abuse to get the support and protection that they need.
Signs of child mental health issues:
There are ways you can identify if a child needs support with their mental health. By being attentive to a child or young person’s mood and behaviour, you can recognise patterns that suggest they need support.
Common warning signs of mental health issues include:
sudden mood and behaviour changes
unexplained physical changes, such as weight loss or gain
sudden poor academic behaviour or performance
sleeping problems
changes in social habits, such as withdrawal or avoidance of friends and family.
Please note, that these signs suggest that a child may be struggling, but there could be several different explanations for them.
Getting support
Please be advised that this is simply a brief overview of support and help available, and that I am in no way endorsing one before another. This is just a helpful guide for you to being to explore options which may meet your child’s needs best.
Contacting a GP:
GPs may be able to diagnose mental health conditions, suggest next steps and provide medication.
NSPCC services:
NSPCC provide therapeutic services to help children, young people and families with their mental health.
Child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS):
Across the UK, CAMHS is a free NHS service for children and young people that aims to help with mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, self-harm and eating disorders.
Counselling and therapeutic services:
Counselling services are available to help children and young people with their mental health. Services can include helplines, one-to-one counselling sessions in person, online or by phone, and online chats and forums.
Young minds:
The sheer scale of the problem we’re faced with can feel overwhelming. More young people than ever before need support for their mental health and accessing that support quickly, can make a critical difference to those young people. Yet, most of the time those young people need to wait. And wait. And wait.
When it feels like nothing is there for you when you need it most, you feel alone. For far too many young people, this is their reality. When they need help and can’t get it, it feels like they’re being told they don’t matter. We have called our strategy ‘You Matter’ because, ultimately, that is what this is all about. We need young people to know that whatever they are going through, they matter, and they deserve help. And each one of us needs to acknowledge that, to those young people, we matter and the role we can play is vital.
Mental Health Crisis Team (MHICT) - Mental health services at NHS 24 - 111 If you just need to talk, any time of day or night. Free listening services: These services offer confidential support from trained volunteers. You can talk about anything that’s troubling you, no matter how difficult.
Call 116 123 to talk to Samaritans, or email: jo@samaritans.org for a reply within 24 hours
Text ‘SHOUT’ to 85258 to contact the Shout Crisis Text Line, or text ‘YM’ if you’re under 19
If you’re under 19, you can also call 0800 1111 to talk to Childline. The number will not appear on your phone bill. These services will only share your information if they are very worried about you or think you are in immediate danger.
Caveat: It is important that you understand that I am not being paid to endorse these products, neither am I advising any one product, and note that there are many other books and apps that you may want to explore which may be more suitable for your young adult. This is just to provide a minimal amount of support if it feels like something you may feel curious about.